INQNET seminars

Quantum Gravity in the Lab: Teleportation by Size and Traversable Wormholes

by Dr Hrant Gharibyan (Caltech)



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With the long-term goal of studying quantum gravity in the lab, I will discuss a proposal for a holographic teleportation protocols that can be readily executed in table-top experiments. These protocols exhibit similar behavior to that seen in recent traversable wormhole constructions: information that is scrambled into one half of an entangled system will, following a weak coupling between the two halves, unscramble into the other half. We introduce the concept of "teleportation by size" to capture how the physics of operator-size growth naturally leads to information transmission. The transmission of a signal through a semi-classical holographic wormhole corresponds to a rather special property of the operator-size distribution we call "size winding". For more general setups (which may not have a clean emergent geometry), we argue that imperfect size winding is a generalization of the traversable wormhole phenomenon. For example, a form of signaling continues to function at high temperature and at large times for generic chaotic systems, even though it does not correspond to a signal going through a geometrical wormhole, but rather to an interference effect involving macroscopically different emergent geometries. 


Topic: INQNET seminar 
Time: June 1, 2020 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 933 0458 4361

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