INQNET seminars

Quantum Astrometry: A New Interferometry Technique for Stellar Positioning and More

by Dr Paul Stankus (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The highest resolutions in astronomical imaging are achieved through interferometry, the process of combining wave information from multiple separate telescopes/apertures.  We review the standard techniques of single-photon amplitude (Michelson) interferometry and two-photon (Hanbury Brown & Twiss) intensity interferometry, and then visit recent ideas for how they can be improved in the optical through the use of quantum networking and entanglement distribution.  A proposed new technique of two-photon amplitude interferometry is described, with particular application for precision stellar astrometry but also with possible applications for cosmology, exoplanets, and even gravitational waves.  Basic instrument requirements are discussed and some first results from bench-top experiments shown.


Topic: INQNET seminar 
Time: March 1, 2021 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Nikolai Lauk